Welcome to episode 4. Let’s see, where did we leave off this time? Oh yes, Randi made the not-so-smart decision to roll through the heart of Brookhillshire wearing her old, oh-so-snug, (snug being kind) superhero outfit. My God, what was she thinking? Not only was it a fashion nightmare, but it was also the most exercise she’d done in ten years. But she did get a buck from a little old lady with blue hair. So there’s that.
And the Oscar goes to…Zoey Finch, whose performance in the taxi was definitely award winning and cracked me the hell up. Of course, we expect nothing less from our quick-thinking sidekick. However, what was that at the end? Was that a whiff of sentimentality from our gal, Z? And who was that blonde woman in the picture? And why are my feet always so cold?
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